söndag 15 september 2024

A Familiar Place - solo exhibition at Stadsmuseet


It's up! My solo exhibition A Familiar Place is on display at Stadsmuseet, Stockholm. Open from 11/9 to 17/1. It's about everyday life in Stockholm. Street photos, portraits and polaroids. Welcome!



tisdag 20 augusti 2024



PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris. "No Man's Land" is rewarded with Gold in Book/Documentary category in the PX3 Pris de la Photographie Paris photo competition. Thank you!

And also, my ongoing project, The Social Club, about Naples is one of the finalists at the Gomma Black and White Awards. Thanks!

fredag 9 augusti 2024


A summer morning earlier this week at the island Djurgården in Stockholm.
Stockholmsvy means a view of Stockholm.

måndag 8 april 2024

söndag 10 mars 2024

No Man's Land

Photo from my photobook No Man's Land. All photos in the book are on display on my website. Link in bio.


lördag 2 mars 2024

What a glorious piece of machinery!



I took my new Fujifilm X100VI for a test drive yesterday. What a glorious piece of machinery!


lördag 9 december 2023





In his new book, Swedish photographer Simon Johansson returns to the same territory on the Swedish island of Öland that formed the basis of his debut book, Across the Bridge (2016). Now as then, it's not just a tale of everyday observations – it’s time to tie up loose ends and close the book.  

No Man’s Land is about a close circle of people in a small village on the Swedish island of Öland. Here, farmers live side by side with an artist commune. Their lives and work are intertwined. The farmers become involved in art projects and the artists help with the farming. After living there for many years, Simon Johansson knows the villagers well. He has seen the dynamics close-up.

“By portraying everyday life in the village, I describe the common ambition to mean something to others; to be part of a context,” Simon Johansson says. “The starting point of the project is my own experience of when that context was taken away from me. The end of a relationship turned into an emotional trauma. It’s about how my life in the village is falling apart, and how I then leave a much-loved place.”

The photographer is currently working on the No Man's Land soundtrack, which will be released on all digital platforms and on vinyl in 2024.

75 b/w images • Editing and design: Gösta Flemming, Simon Johansson • Text: Simon Johansson • Translation to English: Maria Morris • Hard cover • 220 x 250 mm • 148 pages • Swedish/English • Handwritten text: Maria Jonsson • Document and typography: Johan Lindberg • Prepress and printing: Narayana Press • ISBN 978-91-87939-74-7 • 2023


Available from Journal or contact me for a signed copy.